

As companies grow, so do their needs for HR-related policies and training. It is crucial to train employees, and we offer a complete range of affordable labor and employment training sessions for all employees, including human resource professionals and all levels of management, designed to help employers avoid expensive fines and litigation.

Our training sessions are not your typical training with a lawyer droning on with legalese and boring your employees for an hour. It is a common-sense approach – one that all of your employees understand – because we make it captivating, engaging, and entertaining, to drive home the must-knows.  Our speakers are dynamic and emphasize audience participation and role-playing to comply with the EEOC’s guidance on legally effective training. Engaging with the audience encourages them to listen more attentively, increasing takeaways from the training, which can effect real change in the workplace. Using attorneys to conduct training places management’s stamp of importance on the subject.

Here is a complete list of our training programs – which are customized to the size and industry of your company:

·       Harassment Training

  - Supervisor Session

- Non-Supervisor Session

·       Diversity and Sensitivity Training

·       Maintaining Positive Employee Relations Training

·     Union Avoidance Training

·       Interviewing and the Hiring Process

·       FMLA Training

·       ADA Training

·       Performance Evaluation Training

·       Discipline and Termination Training

·       Conducting Workplace Investigations Training

·       Record and Document Retention Training

·       Wage and Hour Training

·       How to be an Effective Supervisor (a comprehensive full or half-day program)

·       I-9 Compliance

 We are constantly evaluating and revising our training sessions and developing new ones to keep pace with legal trends and our clients’ needs.  We offer flexible pricing and are willing to discuss discounted rates for multiple sessions and special circumstances.

 Please let us know what kind of training you would like to receive by emailing us at training@hhe-law.com.